Pastor Robert & His Wife

I desire teach and equip believers in Christ so that they will grow deeper in their walk with God, become more effective as in serving the body of Christ, and rise up as leaders to impact society and the world. I love to see people develop and grow in their desire and relationship for Jesus.

I desire to assist the local church bodies and determine where each member functions best by facilitating the discovery of temperaments and gifting, and to assist all followers of Christ to become effective leaders.

I am a licensed minister with the Assembly of God. I have earned a Bachelors in Biblical Studies and a Masters degree in Biblical Interpretation. I have broad experience in teaching and administration with school, college, university, and church settings, experience with teaching in a higher education setting both online and on campus, experience with teaching Bible in middle school and secondary education, and administrative experience with churches, businesses, and educational institutions.

I want to connect, grow, and serve with believers in Christ so that we can see His work done in our lives throughout the community. We live life together and we are better together.

Johnnye Rotchford

Women’s Ministry Leader

I have served for 20 plus years as Director of Women’s Ministries; the past 4 years as Women’s Ministry Leader here at Christian Fellowship Assembly. I am a mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and in 2019 became a widow.

Being a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and later domestic violence in my first marriage, I have a desire to minister to women. We are all dealing with something and it is liberating to understand we do not have to deal with it alone. There is healing in Christ, as well as comfort and encouragement within the community of sisters in Christ.

I grew up regularly attending church and Sunday school and being taught Christian values. I grew up believing I was saved even though I was living life my way. It wasn’t until I was middle aged, that I understood the difference between knowing who Jesus was and knowing Jesus as my personal LORD and Savior. How life changing that is!

We can draw comfort and strength from 1 st Corinthians 1:3-4 NIV 3  Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,  4  who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.

Caleb and Kira Johnson

Worship & Youth 


I am one of the main worship leaders at Christian Fellowship AG. I am happily married, and love serving the Lord at Christian Fellowship. I want to see God move in every service we hold as we worship together. It is truly a joy and passion of mine to lead people in worship! 

Nayda Martinez

Outreach & Spanish 


Denise Cluney 

Greeter & Hospitality Leader

Jenohn Johnson

Children's Leader

Chris Williamson

Safety Leader 

Samuel Fargas 

Media Leader